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Sempre in Giro

Early Gastown Riders

A Bike Built for Four

“They rode in the 1970s”

We’ve had some great photographers shoot our race over the years, but none more famous and internationally acclaimed than the great Fred Herzog. Since arriving in Vancouver in 1953, Herzog has shot more than 100,000 of street scenes and daily life in Vancouver. After working in relative obscurity for 50 years, he’s now rightfully recognized as one of Vancouver’s most important photographers. This 1973 shot is the only colour photo we’ve ever found of the first Gastown Grand Prix, which was then part of the Vancouver Sea Festival. Second from left on the start line is Bill Wild, who will out sprint Max Grace for the win. The shot is one of 50 Herzog photos in the 1976 book, The City of Vancouver, published by J.J. Douglas and edited and designed by Dave Broadfoot. Our thanks to Peter Ross for the contribution.

Gus Paterson writes: I took a picture almost identical to this … Bill Dove, Bill Wild, ?, George Demoulin, Bruno Tonietto, Mark Ackerstream. There are more riders in my photo.


A Bike Built for Four

A Bike Built for Four

“Family outing on a Bike”

The Flight Brigade

Flight Brigade

“A Girl Who Loves Her Smoke & Wine”

From the official promotional video for the music collective: The Flight Brigade.

“Making extensive use of borrowed bikes, friends equipment and the signature white van, Flight Brigade showcase the homespun characteristics which trademarks the band and their music.
After releasing the video the song made in onto the BBC Radio 2 playlist. In the words of Janice Long: “I just think that’s an astonishing record I really do. If that gets the attention it deserves to get that could be a hit. Really, really good.” “


Luci in bici

Luci in bici

“Le Biciclette Luminose”

Sono una delle due novità tra le “Luci d’Artista”, le “Luci in bici” dell’artista e designer sudtirolese Martino Gamper. I led colorati inseriti tra i raggi si accendono settanta volte al secondo, realizzando così cerchi di fuoco che si muovono per la città. Ce n’è una decina a disposizione, alcune in una postazione fissa in via Carlo Alberto, le altre nei parcheggi di ToBike che verranno di volta in volta comunicati. E saranno gli abbonati a ToBike che potranno pedalare per le città con le installazioni luminose di Gamper.

Source –

Fiorenzo Magni

Fiorenzo Magni

“Lion of Flanders”

Fiorenzo Magni, the Lion of Flanders, who was the “third man” of the golden age of Italian cycling, rival of Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali, has passed at the age of 91. Magni would have been 92 years old on December 7.

Addio a Fiorenzo Magni!

A cyclist from the golden era and winner of major races unaided by “bought” teams. Rode with pure guts.

Honest and Consistent — The notion that cycling was an escape, first from misery and then from poverty. That it was always better than having to toil in the fields or in factories. Cycling was a hunger as well as abstinence. Adventure and exploration.

Fiorenzo Magni was cycling as he lived and breathed the sport: a rider, a sporting director, a coach.

His cycling was a religion. A mission. A passion. In a word: love. Often thwarted by Bartali and Coppi, Magni did nothing but thank them: he would say that, without those two, he would have been a nobody. They made him a man.

We have lost one more cyclist from an ear that was golden – Honest and Passionate

ERA IL CICLISMO — Fiorenzo Magni era il ciclismo perché lo aveva respirato da corridore, da direttore sportivo, da commissario tecnico, da presidente dei corridori e da presidente della Lega, poi da console onorario, da ambasciatore internazionale, da autorità planetaria. Il supremo organo giudicante: accoglieva tutti, ma sapeva immediatamente individuare trasgressori, usurpatori, traditori. Il suo ciclismo era religione, missione, passione. In una parola: amore. Stretto fra Bartali e Coppi, Magni non ha mai fatto altro che ringraziarli: senza quei due – diceva – non sarei stato nessuno, mi hanno fatto diventare uomo.

Source – English Gazzetta

'He is a Legend Now'

Ryder Hesjedal

“Ryder Hesjedal in Maglia Rosa”

Two Thumbs up!
Canadian cyclist Ryder Hesjedal has made history and won the Giro d’Italia. He made up the 31 seconds he trailed going into the final stage. He screamed through the streets of Milan to win the three-week race by 16 seconds.

It is being hailed as the most impressive individual accomplishment by a professional Canadian athlete. Ever. Hesjedal becomes the first Canadian man not only to win a Grand Tour, but the first to ever stand on a podium in this event.

It is nothing less than a monumental achievement for a Canadian and Canada. The Victorian’s win is the first by a Canadian in any of cycling’s three marquee Grand Tours.

Source – The Vancouver Province

Hesjedal, shedding a few tears on the podium, said: “For me this is an incredible experience, the joy is overpowering. I began to believe I could do it as the days went by when I saw that my legs were holding up well in the mountains. Even in my head I was calm and I remained serene. I saw that my rivals were beginning to respect me more and more – and in the end, I did it.”

Source – Peloton Magazine

Ryder Hesjedal è stato irriverente e più forte dello Stelvio, del Mortirolo, dell’Alpe di Pampeago, di Cervinia. Alla fine, Milano ha incoronato per la prima volta un canadese (2° americano dopo Andy Hampsten). Il guastafeste nordamericano ha spodestato, al termine della cronometro di oggi, lo spagnolo Joaquin Rodriguez e si è preso con una zampata la maglia rosa. È stato implacabile, nei chilometri che lo separavano dalla piazza del Castello Sforzesco al Duomo, disegnando con precisione chirurgica le traiettorie, tagliando curve e rischiando. Il re del Giro è lui, Hesjedal, ex biker e provetto surfista; non uno scalatore, non ne ha il fisico, ma un uomo forte.

Source – Gazzetta dello Sport

Musei di Biciclette

grass frames

“Un mondo senza biciclette sarebbe come un sonno senza sogni”

Located in the “village of cycling”, where all streets are named after famous racers, you can find the Historical Bicycle Museum. All bikes on exhibition have a history going back many years. This Museum is named in honour of the cyclist Toni Bevilacqua.

Visit – Museo Storico Della Bicicletta

And in Riva del Garda Trento you can find the Museo di biciclette:
Questa esposizione curata da Farè Pierluigi, appassionato di biciclette, che ormai da più di vent’anni rievoca la storia della bicicletta, è un’incantevole visita che porterà i visitatori a capire e conoscere un mondo che ci appartiene e che purtroppo va via via scomparendo…

Visit – Ciclo Collection

Grass Frames

grass frames

“Bamboo Bikes are Lean, Green Machines”

Hand-crafted Natural Frames
All of Grass Frames Works’ frames are hand-crafted locally, ensuring a unique and quality-made frame.
Our frames are manufactured from bamboo poles, hemp fibre, aluminium fittings and plant-oil derived epoxy. Bamboo and hemp are not only eco-friendly, but lend their properties to create a fantastic ride quality.

Source – Grass Frames

Rediscover the Bike

Rediscover the Bike

“Rossignoli Bike Show “

Rediscover the Bike – Annual Rossignoli show dedicated to two wheels for one day only, at the Salone del Mobile. Thursday April 19 2012

Anche il Touring club Italiano partecipa alla sesta edizione di ‘Biciclette ritrovate’, l’esposizione organizzata da Rossignoli nei cortili di corso Garibaldi 71 a Milano. Un appuntamento imperdibile per gli amanti delle due ruote e del design per scoprire da vicino decine di pezzi unici, come i bicicli dell’Ottocento, le bici dei lavori come l’arrotino, il panettiere, il postino e il pompiere e le bici da corsa degli eroi Fausto Coppi e Gino Bartali.

In questa occasione il Touring può confermare il forte legame con le due ruote partecipando alle 18.30 al dibattito sul futuro della bicicletta a Milano alla presenza, fra gli altri, anche dell’assessore alla Mobilità. Pierfrancesco Maran: un’occasione per ribadire anche l’impegno sul tema della sicurezza portato avanti da #Salvaiciclisti. E alle 20 il Touring racconta l’impresa mitica della Carovana ciclistica Milano-Roma, la maratona ciclistica che, pochi mesi fa, ha portato 20 cicloamatori a pedalare per oltre 700 chilometri da Milano a Roma in soli sei giorni per celebrare la prima Passeggiata ciclistica Milano-Roma compiuta da Luigi Vittorio Bertarelli nel 1895 (foto by Danilo Beghi)

Source – Biciclette ritrovate

The Man Who Lived On His Bike

I love being on a bike, it helps me feel free. I get it from my dad. After days and days of cycling the streets of Montreal, come cold or sun, or even a little frightened, I dedicate this film to him.

Guillaume Blanchet

THE MAN WHO LIVED ON HIS BIKE from Guillaume Blanchet I Filmmaker on Vimeo.


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