Bicycle Love
“I love the bicycle. I always have. I can think of no sincere, decent human being, male or female, young or old, saintly or sinful, who can resist the bicycle.”
— William Saroyan
Foto di copertina: Mario Panetti (Firenze 1863- 1955). Corridore al tempo dei maestosi velocipedi, fotografo e poeta in lingua e in vemacolo. “Partecipò, nel 1884 al primo Circuito biciclistico delle Cascine, compiendo ben 120 Km. alla media, veramente fantastica per quei tempi, di 15 Km l’ora.” Net ritaglio di giomale (qui sopra) da lui postillato, lo si vede ritratto durante una corsa in Piazza Mercatale a Prato.
L’Archivio in bicicletta
Il ciclismo a Firenze
tra sport e vita quotidiana
Mostra a cura di:
Luca Brogioni, Giuseppe Cuscito, Francesca Gaggini, Barbara Grazzini, Giulio M. Manetti, Riccardo Saettone, Maise Silveira
Si ringraziano Mauro Bendoni e Claudio Villoresi della Sezione Storica della
Biblioteca delle Oblate per le ricerche su: “L’Illustrazione Italiana”
17 – 30 settembre 2013
Lunedì e Venerdì 10,00 – 14,00
Martedì, Mercoledì e Giovedì 10,00 – 17,30
Archivio Storico del Comune di Firenze Via dell’Oriuolo, 35
(also in archive)
John Hathaway - Cyclist
Photo: John Hathaway and Vanessa Bridge riding along on the Champs-Élysées 1983
By 1986 John was getting itchy feet again and he planned another Round the World epic. This time aiming to climb the World’s highest roads en route. He left Vancouver on the last day of Expo and headed east to the Continental Divide and headed south from there. His 62nd birthday on January 13, 1987, found him clambering up the world’s highest road out of Lima, Peru. Unfortunately, in Argentina he was hit by a truck, damaging some vertebrae and was in hospital for some weeks. They have a very good cost saving scheme there. The medical care is free but patients’ families are expected to look after them. John always had fond memories of the Argentinian family that looked after him.
The damaged back left him a good deal more wizened than he had been. But he still managed to cock a leg over a saddle and cover some considerable distances. In 1990 he sold up everything here and headed back to England. But things didn’t work out for him there and before long he was on the road again. He started PBP ’91 having qualified in UK events. But his free wheel packed up on him and he was stranded very early in the event.
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