The History Of Cycling
For many people, riding a bicycle was something they did as a kid, but it’s not something they did much of once they got into their teen years. For some, it’s because they got a car and could drive places instead of a bike. For others, it’s because they live in an area where bicycling isn’t an option—those out in rural areas with unpaved roads may not always be able to bike places. But with new inventions such as the electric bike and bicycles that are safer, more and more people are turning to bikes as a way of saving money and going green.
Bicycling was first introduced in the 1800s, and it quickly became very popular. However, the basic bicycle design can be traced back to 1493, when Gian Giacomo Caprotti sketched out the idea. Another version was built in France in 1791. However, what many people consider the first practical bicycle was created in 1817 by Karl von Drais, a German civil servant.In 1868, the first documented bicycle race was held. Bikers racked 1,200 meters in the Park of Saint-Cloud in Paris.
In the U.S., bicycles were incredibly popular in the early 1900s. The oldest bicycle racing club, the St. Louis Cycling Club, was established in 1887 and continues to host races and other events today. However, by 1920, the practice of cycling quickly died out because of the automobile and the growth of larger suburbs. In Europe, cycling continued to go strong until the 1950s.
Today, though, more and more people are biking to work as a way of saving on gas, getting exercise, and because it’s fun.
Wikipedia: The History of Cycling – Brief history of the sport
History of the Bicycle – Where and how it was created
Cycling Timeline – Quick history of the bicycle and cycling
Fun Facts about the Bike – Including some historic information
Bicycle Museums – List of different museums around the world
» Read moreRM - "Bicycle"
Over a leisurely piano and acoustic guitar, RM talks about his feelings when he went cycling in his hometown during the COVID-19 pandemic. “For me, riding a bike always gives me a thrill, but when I put my feet on the two pedals it always feels a bit sad,” the Rap Monster wrote on BTS’ blog. “Whether it’s because there’s a lot of things that I miss… Even I don’t know the reason.”
He added: “Ever since I was a trainee, I always wanted to move the blurry scenery that I couldn’t quite capture while riding a bicycle into a song.”
Rolling with two feet
I face you, who I can’t see
A few centimeters of shaking
Are greeting me as always
[Verse 1]
I wanna keep the bass down low
My mind is already in weekend mode
I don’t see no open cars, no open bars
It’s not bad, I’m all alone in this road
The minds of people are floating like an island
The night that might never come
Walk and roll across the horizon
To the vanishing point that we chose
If you are sad, let’s ride a bicycle
Let’s put the wind under the feet
Oh, let’s ride a bicycle
With arms opened freely
Na, na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na
Tre uomini in bicicletta
Emilio Rigatti
“Dove andate?” Istanbul. Confine di Trieste, ore 16, vento di Nordest. Il poliziotto sloveno confronta i ciclisti sbucati dal nulla con le foto segnaletiche sui loro passaporti. Altan Francesco, 58, vignettista. Rigatti Emilio, 47, professore. Rumiz Paolo, 53, giornalista. I tre matti in mutande aspettano davanti all’autorità costituita, si godono l’effetto della loro risposta demenziale. Sanno che l’uomo in divisa deve calcolare in fretta molte distanze anomale. Primo, tra la lentezza delle bici e la lunghezza della strada, duemila chilometri. Secondo, fra la rispettabile maturità dei viaggiatori e le loro sacche da globe-trotter. Terzo, tra la nobiltà della meta finale e la miseria che c’è in mezzo, i Balcani. Ma soprattutto l’uomo deve inghiottire il dislivello fra la propria domanda di routine e quella risposta fuori ordinanza, scodellata con perfido understatement. “Istanbul” come dire Treviso, Udine, Lubiana. “Siamo curdi che tornano a casa.”
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